
Na Li had an accepted paper in 19th e-Science conference

Abstract: The discovery and reuse of scientific codes are essential in research, with computational notebooks proving effective for sharing such codes. However, locating relevant computational notebooks poses challenges due to their multi-modal nature and lack of evaluation datasets for fair assessments.

Na Li had an accepted paper in IEEE BigData conference 2023

Abstract: The Argo network, dedicated to ocean profiling, generates a vast volume of observatory data. However, data quality issues from sensor malfunctions and transmission errors necessitate stringent quality assessment. Existing methods, including machine learning, fall short due to limited labeled data and imbalanced datasets.

UvA receives grant for EU Horizon-Europe ENVRI-Hub Next project

Grant: EU Horizon-Europe ENVRI-Hub Next (ENVironmental Research Infrastructures delivering an open access Hub and NEXT-level interdisciplinary research framework providing services for advancing science and society). UvA receives 360K from total 5M.

Yuandou Wang gives a talk for the final CLARIFY meeting. A Decentralized Virtual Research Environment for Data-centric Sciences

Yuandou Wang gives a talk for the final CLARIFY meeting. The title of the talk was: “A Decentralized Virtual Research Environment for Data-centric Sciences”. Venue and date: CLARIFY final meeting, Valencia, Spain, 25 Jan 2024

Dr. Zhiming Zhao to discuss blockchain and sustainability challenges in KeNoMo workshop

Dr. Zhiming Zhao was invited to a panel discussion on blockchain and sustainability challenges in the context of KeNoMo workshop in Nairobi, Kenya. Detailed report can be found on The Times website.

UvA-led European project aims to lay foundations for 6G network architecture

UvA is leading a new three-year European project on the system architecture for future 6G mobile networks. Such a 6G network will support new applications with extreme performance requirements. The Informatics Institute of UvA is leading the DESIRE6G project and assistant professor Chrysa Papagianni of the Multiscale Networked Systems-group is the project coordinator.

LTER-LIFE consortium receives 20 million euro grant

The Dutch research consortium LTER-LIFE, in which UvA-IvI researcher Zhiming Zhao and UvA-IBED researcher W. Daniel Kissling are involved, receives a 20 million euro grant from the National Roadmap funding for large-scale research infrastructure of NWO and the Ministry of Education.

The Horizon Europe project Blue-Cloud2026 Kick-Off Meeting

The Horizon Europe project Blue-Cloud2026 had its Kick-Off Meeting from 13 to 15 February 2023 in Pisa, Italy. The project aims to develop a Federated European Ecosystem to deliver FAIR & Open data and analytical services, instrumental for deepening research of oceans, EU seas, and coastal & inland waters.

Lu Zhang successfully defends her PhD thesis

Lu Zhang successfully defended her PhD thesis, titled “A policy compliance detection architecture for data exchange infrastructures” on Oct.19, 2022. Her PhD research was focused on designing and establishing digital infrastructures that facilitate secure data sharing and federation with policy enforcement capabilities.

MNS research visitor receives the STG award of CNSM 2022

MNS research visitor receives the award on the CNSM 2022. The Student Travel Grants (STG) by IFIP goes to Leandro Almeida, speaker of the full paper: “iRED: Improving the DASH QoS by dropping packets in programmable data planes” at the 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management, which happened at Thessaloniki, Greece.